the West... the eve of the 31st December the East... the second new Moon after the winter solstice
for 2022 the Lunar New Year will be on the 1st February... the Chinese Year of the Tiger... that is generally when my year starts...

This ancient Chinese lunisolar calendar dates back to 14th century BC, and the Lunar New Year celebrations start on the night before the first day of the new year, which is the 2nd new Moon after the winter solstice...

I do not recall when last I celebrated the 1st January as a New Year... it has never held much significance in my calendar, apart from being annual holidays for most.
It is however a time of reflection for me and I use my holidays to reflect on the year passed.
2021 has been a bitch of a year for me... probably the worst in all my living memory. Watch out for that blog "5 things I wish I had learnt before 50"... I used to joke that by the age of 30 I had the life experience of most 60 year olds... but most have never lived through a "black swan" event.
If I thought 2020 was bad, then I really got my arse kicked in 2021, but with that came some real revelations and change. 2021 became a transitioning year for me... and 2022 will hopefully be the year that I will rise from the ashes.
May we all rise up in 2022, wishing everyone a year to celebrate.
much love and gratitude for everyone who stood by me in 2021
may we all go from strength to strength

it is time to roar... and take back our lives...